Friday, October 9, 2009

A Reflection of Autumn

As promised, I am posting a poem that I published 3 years ago. I have decided to finally start making this a daily blog, so be sure to come back daily, and please tell your family and friends. I am looking to make this a blog with a good size reader audience. Hope you like the poem. Enjoy!

A Reflection of Autumn
By Nick ladish

The sun is setting and the earth seems to be still. And at this moment, all of life seems content to just be. To be alive, to be itself, there is real beauty that surrounds us everyday, if we just take the time to look. It's a crisp autumn evening, the kind where the wind gently blows against your face and you feel alive. Throughout the neighborhood, are the sounds of another day coming to an end. The smell of those who eat late dinners, children playing outside, fighting against the setting sun for just one more moment of daylight. There's the occasional loud engine, or lack of muffler, from a car driving down the street, a barking dog, a chirping bird, and the wind in the trees, making them rustle and stealing yet another leaf to the ground. It's the time of year to pack away the summer clothes, and exchange them for jackets, sweaters, and scarves.

There is something special about this time of year that sets it apart from all other seasons. Perhaps it's the air, or the anticipation of the upcoming holidays. Or maybe, it is simply a time for us to reflect and ponder over a warm cup of coffee, tea, or cider. To reflect upon the year that has already passed like an old memory. Whatever the reason, I will embrace this moment and try to hold on to it, wishing it would never pass by, while reflecting on life and the joy that can be found.


  1. I love your poem. It is inspiring to me.

  2. Thank you very much. I'm glad you liked it and find inspiration from it.
