Friday, September 16, 2011

Autumn Is In The Air

I received an email today from an old friend that prompted me to remember I have a blog. It's not that I totally forgot that I have a blog, it's just that I have been so busy with life, that I haven't signed in since April. September 6th marked one year since my Mother passed away. It was a tough day for me, but also one of deep reflection. Although I will never completely "heal" or get over my Mother not being alive here on this earth, each new day brings more understanding and acceptance. I can only say that dealing with such a tramatic loss was easier due to my faith in God, as well as a loving family and friends.

It is almost a bittersweet moment as I write this, due to the fact that I feel both sadness, as well as great excitement. The excitement is due to my favorite season being upon us: Autumn. Autumn, aka Fall, is such an inspiring time of year. Not only do you get to pull the sweaters out of the closet, the rake out of the garage, and Halloween decorations out of storage, but you also get to see God's glorious work at hand with the changing both the temperature and the trees. Since it is now Autumn, I once again feel insipred to write more regurlarly on this blog.

For all of my friends who I haven't been in touch with during this past year, I want to offer my apologies. Thank you for being patient with me, as well as not forgetting about me. To give you a quick update on my life, RayLynn and I are expecting our baby boy next month (his due date is October 24th)! We have decided to name him Lincoln Nicholas Ladish (a good name if I don't say so myself!). I came up with the first name of Lincoln because my favorite president is Abraham Lincoln. Actually my interest in Lincoln is more like an obsession! I'm confident you would agree if you saw all of the Lincoln photos, books, and other memorabillia in our house. Speaking of our house, we are moving this week into a new home. I say new in the sense of new to us, since the house was built in 1940. It actually is a great house though, it has an amazing fireplace that I am anxious to start using! I guess you could say that (like Lincoln) I have an obsession with old houses (as does RayLynn). Both of us strongly dislike the modern "suburban" homes that seem to keep endlessly cropping up. If you are someone who likes or lives in such a home, we mean no offense I promise! :)

I will be sure to post another blog entry soon. Until next time...

Stay Gold,

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Seven Months Later...

So, here I sit seven months since my last blog entry. I suppose you could say after the death of my mother, I needed some time to grieve and process things. Or, I could say that life got in the way and that I have been too busy. Perhaps both are true. Nevertheless, here I am writing a new entry. It has been nearly eight months since my Mother passed away. Although time and prayer certainly make things a little easier to deal with everyday, I still miss her more than ever. It's ironic how it's the little things that pop up in your memory that mean the most to you. Those memories are the dark corners of your mind, known only to you until if and when you decide to share them. Sometimes I sit down with an idea to blog about and begin typing away. Other times I sit here and reflect, ponder, and consider if I in fact have anything to say. I feel that sometimes writers feel that they must write something profound with each sentence, however, I have discovered this couldn't be further from the truth. The fact is, people like to read honest and real thoughts, not something that is always profound and life changing.

I'm sure most of my friends feel that it is near impossible to get a hold of me these days. In recent months, I have gotten rid of Facebook and stopped drinking coffee. I also don't drink alcohol anymore, or even own a cell phone. The past several months I have felt more healthy, and liberated that I ever have. Due to this, I have also felt more inspired than I have in a long time. I have started writing songs again (I took a break from doing so), and have been eating, and thinking on a healthier level. In addition, I have also done a bit of traveling in recent months. I feel that it is healthy for the mind, body, and soul of an individual to travel. It is one of the best ways to refresh the soul.

So, as I mentioned at the beginning of this post, here I sit letting the words come from my thoughts instantly. I have missed writing in this blog. Since it has been so long, I'm not even sure anyone still reads this blog. But if you are, let me know how you have been.

