Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Smokey Haze Fills My Mind...

Every morning at around 7am, my apartment fills with a strong aroma. No it's not coffee (that comes later in the morning), it's the gagging, choking, disgusting smell that makes my eyes water and my throat itch: cigarette smoke. This horrible aroma is courtesy of a kind and well-meaning man whom we will call "chuck" to protect his identity. He is a retired man of approximately 70 years old, and he loves his cigarettes. I do speak to him on occasion whilst going up the steps to my apartment, and he is a quite friendly guy. He has also told me the same story let's see....well, every time I see him, but I enjoy the story oddly enough each time he tells it to me. He likes to greet the day with a smoke on his patio. No harm in that, for it's his habit and his life/health.

However, this patio is directly below the front door to my apartment. The smell of his Marlboro graces me at the same time everyday like clock work. It finds it's way through the small crack under my door and for about 10 minutes every morning, my apartment fills with a "smokey haze". Could I say something to him about it? Sure. Should I say something to him about it? Maybe. Will I say anything to him about it? No. I figure he has lived a longer life than I and has a right to perhaps one of the few things that still brings him joy. No, I will not be the "smokey bandit". Now if I could only find a way to hold my breath for 10 minutes.....

Disclaimer: That's not a photo of my actual neighbor, but you get the point!

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