Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Whoomp here it is! (Bacon anyone?)

It's been forever and ever since I have posted..oh dear blog whilst thou forgive me?!?!

So, I have been doing some thinking lately. I'm not sure anyone really cares what I have to say, but I've decided I'm going to say what's on my mind anyway. The past few days have been filled with lots o' rain and thunder. As a matter of fact, I just heard a loud BOOM!! a hundred yards from where I stand. Okay, I'm sitting as I type, but you get the point! Have any of you ever tried to type on a laptop whilst standing?! Yes silly, I know I used the word whilst, and not while...I find it to be more proper and civilized.

Things I dislike currently:

Bugs (well most, I still have love for ladybugs and rollie pollies)


Mean people


The current presidental administration

People who lick their fingers while (see there I used it!) eating

Being rick-rolled (come on youtube peeps, enough is enough)

When I see someone sad

When I see someone homeless

When I take a shower, step out side whistling zippity do da, and a bird shits on my head!

Things currently like:


Mugs (of the coffee variety)



Having my nieces spend a weekend with me!

Singing in the rain

Driving in my car aimlessly with the music decibel's cranked!

That fall is drawing ever so near :)

A good book

Music (Imagine that!)

People who read and comment on my blog...hey you! yes, YOU! Please comment will make my day! :)

Feel free to share your likes and dislikes. If you do, I promise I will write clever, witty, blogs daily!

And as Porky Pig always says:
